Дроби (Fractional Numerals)
Простые дроби
(Common Fractions) |
Десятичные дроби
(Decimal Fractions) |
1/2 a (one) half
1/3 a (one) third 2/3 two thirds 1/4 a (one) quarter или a (one) fourth 1/5 a (one) fifth 2/5 two fifths 1/6 one sixth 5/6 five sixths 1+1/2 one and half 2+1/3 two and |
nought* point one или point one 0.01 nought point nought one или point nought one 2.35 two point three five 32.305 three two (или thirty-two) point three nought five |
* В Америке 0 (ноль) читается zero.
Вместо nought также можно читать как букву 'o'.